2024 and Beyond: Exploring Custom Closet Design Trends

Lisa Rivera • 20 November 2023
2024 and Beyond: Exploring Custom Closet Design Trends

As someone committed to transforming cluttered spaces into appealing sanctuaries, I find a lot of joy in staying on top of the latest custom closet design trends. Closets are meant to be both functional and attractive, and there are always new evolutions. Let’s explore how we can work together to bring your storage spaces to new heights in 2024.

Here are some of the ways I see custom closets improving in the next year and beyond:

  • Smart integration and automation
  • Versatile modular designs
  • Artful organization options

Are you excited about seeing what the future holds? I know I am! Keep reading.

Smart Integration and Automation

Many of my clients use home automation. If you find yourself calling out, “Alexa!” to your digital assistant, you know exactly what I mean. The integration of smart technology is a game-changer, and the benefits don’t stop at the threshold of your custom closet system.

Here are just a few of the ways you might decide to harness the power of smart home integration in the coming months and beyond:

  • Lighting. Automated lighting systems allow you to have the lights turn on automatically at the perfect brightness as you enter your closet. They contribute to energy efficiency by activating only when needed – creating a more eco-friendly environment.
  • Climate control. You probably keep your home at the temperature you prefer, but you may not have the ability or know-how to adjust your humidity levels. Your clothing will do best at humidity levels of 50 to 55 percent, says Lennox, and your smart thermostat might be able to manage this for you within your closet space.
  • Digital inventory management. Keeping track of what you have in your closet at any given time might seem like an idea from The Jetsons, but using one of these tools now can allow you to scan clothing as you put it in your closet. The result? You’ll save time and also prevent the frustration of fruitless rummaging.
  • Security features. You could always lock your jewelry drawer, but now you can use intelligent security measures to provide an extra layer of protection for your valuables. Enjoy the peace of mind knowing that your closet is secured with RFID technology or biometric access controls.
Custom Closet Systems

Versatile Modular Designs

At Space Envy, we’ve always carried adjustable designs to help our clients make the most of their spaces. In 2024, though, I do expect versatility to take center stage. People are busy, and their lifestyles and needs change often. Having the ability to change simply makes sense.

Adjustable shelving systems let you reposition your closet components as needed to store sweaters, t-shirts, accessories, holiday decor, and so on. You can also change where your clothing rods are hung; if you can modify the height and configuration of your closet rods, you can feel free to change up your wardrobe as your mood dictates.

Foldable and collapsible components will also become more popular. A fold-down table or ironing board, pull-out mirrors, and telescoping valet rods allow your closet to perform various functions without changing the entire space.

Custom Closet Systems

Artful Organization Options

First, the colors of 2024 will depend on each person’s individual style. Forget about everyone having the same dull color palettes; instead, you’ll have the ability to choose from interesting and appealing finishes for your closet components. I can see people experimenting with colorful options, such as accent walls, ombre effects, and maybe metallic or textured finishes.

In addition, display options will likely explode in popularity. If you’re investing in lovely accessories, you’ll want to display them, and cases can show off your handbags, jewelry, or even your shoes. Backlit shelves, floating shelves, and artistic drawer fronts and panels can also go far in creating awesome and artistic organization options.

One of my colleagues, Rob Guerin from Connecticut Closets & Garages, has recently published some ideas for people wanting to revamp their closets. You won’t want to miss that piece!


Predicting what will be popular in the next year or so can be a challenge, but when it comes to custom closet design trends, the writing is on the wall. People are already enjoying smart home automation, modular designs, and personalized artful displays, so it stands to reason that this will continue not only in 2024 but also throughout the rest of the decade.



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22 S Newberry Way, 

Nampa, ID 83651


1229 N Midland Blvd.

Nampa, ID 83651

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