Recover a Few Hours per Week with Better Closet Organization

Lisa Rivera • 22 April 2016
Recover a Few Hours per Week with Better Closet Organization

It’s well-known that if when you are disorganized, you lose something as precious as money - Time. The very first place that should be organized is where you start and end your day, and that’s the closet system in your bedroom. When you wake up every morning, you usually need to figure out what you need to wear for the day, and with the added hurdle of a foggy morning brain, delays are expected to happen. If your closet is disorganized, it takes longer to find what you’re looking for so let’s take a look at some ways you can save a few hours a week by implementing the following tips.

Four Time-Saving Closet Organization Strategies

Clutter Management

The first step to mastering closet organization is to go through every item in your closet inventory. Yes, it may be a tedious task; however, it’s a necessary step that you should do and not think too much about. You’ll want to categorize your clothing items to Donate, Keep, and Trash. Remember the K.I.S.S method, Keep It Simple Stupid? By keeping it simple you’re more likely to start and complete the task at hand.

Closet Organizers that Work

What will determine how your clothes are organized are the closet storage system that you have available. If you’re still using a standard closet (a single hanging rod with a shelf up top), then you’ll want to consider upgrading your closet storage cabinets to a more customized one that is tailored to you.

If you think about it, no closet organizers mean that all of your items will be on the floor. How your closet is designed and implemented will play a huge part in the ease of staying organized as well as your priceless peace-of-mind. Everyone’s closet storage needs are different depending on who you are, your gender, where you work, what you do recreationally, and more.

Every Item is Homed

Once you have your closet organizers in place, then it’s time to determine the home for each individual item. Yes, every item should have a section that it ONLY lives in when not in use. This is one of the main foundations of closet organization. Once you use your new closet system for a little while, then staying clutter-free becomes second nature and you may notice that other areas of your life will be positively affected.

Sustainable Habits

So how do make closet organization second nature? The answer is pretty simple - establishing sustainable habits so you can do it over and over again automatically without effort. Here are just a few simple habits that you can begin implementing right away.

Every night before bed, home all scattered closet items in their proper sections; then, choose what you’re going to wear the next day and set them aside. Clear anything else up in your room and re-organize your nightstand if necessary. Go to sleep in a clean room. Just decide that you’re going to do it because if you want to establish good organization habits, this is a must.

Then every morning when you wake up, your clothes are already chosen, your room is clean, and you don’t have much to think about! If you decide to choose different clothing and are in a rush, no worries; at the very least, fold your clothes and place it on your bed to put away later. That way, when you come home tired, you’re more likely to put away folded clothes versus organizing a scattered pile - ‘catch my drift’?


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